Sunder and our Family –Ratna, Mani, Smriti . . . My memories of Sundar stretch over several cities. I met him first at the government flat in Andrews Ganj where he provided inputs for a group of us on current Hindi film songs. This was a little before the time…
Remembering Sunder
A Toast to Sunder –Elaine If I could be anyone I would like to be Sunder Rajan. Because I would like to be more giving, more affectionate, more devoted, less interested in myself. Because I would like to make everyone feel at home everywhere. Because I would like to be…
A Eulogy for My Second Dad: N. Sunder Rajan -Puneet “Zindagi Lambi nahin Badi Honi Chahiye” “A life need not be long but it should be BIG”) You signify this more than any other person I know, Sunder Uncle. Your life may not have been very long but it touched…
Condolence Messages [Kaushik and I have culled together excerpts from the numerous messages of condolence we received in the days following Sunder’s passing, sent to us by Raji’s students and colleagues, Kaushik’s teachers and friends, Sunder’s school friends and colleagues—from many places and different eras of our life…] Lakshminarayanan (IA&AS):…